This past week we have worked on designing and integrating our home page of our website. This included drawing an image of the Tésse Room floor plan and editing it in Illustrator, coding the color bar using Digital Color Meter and PhotoShop, brainstorming on our logo for our website, setting up pages and their links for Megan, Rowanne, and Leila’s projects, and finally creating a page to host twelve encyclopèdie plates.
We have uploaded and essentially set up our home page and looking ahead, plan to label the floor plan so as to give our viewers a ‘big picture’ look into where different items exist within the space. In terms of our goals for this weekend, we each individually plan to complete (for the most part) our research on our respective project highlights and draft our 100 sentence descriptions for each of our pages.
In terms of technical difficulties, our biggest road block we have run into is the inability to code the font we wish to have…as of the last time I spoke to Megan (our programmer) the issue had yet to be resolved. While frustrating, we all went into this project knowing that we would be frustrated often and have to deal with complications along the way. We are, that is to say, collectively as a group not discouraged but rather determined to overcome this problem and others in the future!
So far, all is going well and according to schedule!