
Mid-Semester Update

I’ve been very lucky this semester while working on my thesis. I am currently enrolled in an art history seminar that is taught at the Metropolitain Museum of Art by a curator, and she has helped to arrange access to the curatorial file for the self-portrait by Rose Ducreux and […]

The single most important thing to teach your #DH students – reference management

Computerized scholarship is a beautiful thing. So much can be done, we weren’t able to do before. We can enter troves of data, tag it intelligently, and explore new connections through visualization, or discover them quicker than before. We can present scholarship in new ways — if done right, more […]

Including license information in a Zotero reference.

The Beginning of a Thesis

I, like my peer Megan Baker, have decided to further the work I began in Professor Anne Higonnet’s Spring 2015 course A Virtual Enlightenment and turn it into my senior thesis at Barnard College. My work for Professor Higonnet’s seminar dealt with French eighteenth-century materials and their makers whereby my individual […]

Seminar Turned Thesis

I was chosen to continue to work on the websites over the course of the summer as one of the post-production interns. During that time, I did research on Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux, a very talented eighteenth-century French painter whose self-portrait is in the center of the Tessé Room. Mademoiselle Ducreux was […]

Uses of Space: Going Forward— A Wish-List

It became abundantly clear while working on this project that my original conception of my project would not be completed, not because I did not put in adequate effort, but because I imagined a best case scenario, a fantasy.  As someone who began the semester with little to no computer […]