Austen Tosone – Post #1

Hey everyone!

Welcome to the first of a series of blog posts! In this post I want to answer a few questions that Professor Higonnet posed in regard to our projects:

1. What major historical point does your project make?

My project is going to analyze how feminine identity was viewed in 18th century France both by women and men. I hope to dig deeper and discover why the process of getting ready and self-presentation was so crucial to women who were more often than not at home. I also want to look at the relationship of the boxes to this routine and how the boxes encouraged women to get ready. The boxes are also often passed down from mother to daughter, so I want to pay close attention to female relationships in families, particularly the royal family.

2. How do you intend to express your point visually?

I had a few ideas for how to express these ideas visually ranging from a photo essays to videos of the boxes opening and closing to paintings of women getting ready to 3D models of the furniture.

3. What digital means do you intend to use?

I will probably keep most of my work in HTML/CSS with possible use of Rhino for 3D Imagery.


Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more updates!
