
Uses of Space: Going Forward— A Wish-List

It became abundantly clear while working on this project that my original conception of my project would not be completed, not because I did not put in adequate effort, but because I imagined a best case scenario, a fantasy.  As someone who began the semester with little to no computer […]

Uses of Space: Unexpected Encounters

There is usually a very sharp divide between my school life and my home life.  Being an art history major, I go to class and learn about art, or I go to a museum and look at art, but very rarely do I experience art without having to seek it […]

Uses of Space: Jake’s Project Proposal

1. What major historical point does your project make? I am interested in intellectual property and its dispersion. The idea of sharing information with the masses first emerged in the Enlightenment era, and now in the Information age, we have an extraordinary ability to continue this ambition. Specifically, I see […]