Uses of Space

Seminar Turned Thesis

I was chosen to continue to work on the websites over the course of the summer as one of the post-production interns. During that time, I did research on Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux, a very talented eighteenth-century French painter whose self-portrait is in the center of the Tessé Room. Mademoiselle Ducreux was […]

Uses of Space: Going Forward— A Wish-List

It became abundantly clear while working on this project that my original conception of my project would not be completed, not because I did not put in adequate effort, but because I imagined a best case scenario, a fantasy.  As someone who began the semester with little to no computer […]

Uses of Space: Final Remarks & Looking Forward

Because of this class, I am now interested more than ever about the role of servants in 18th century France, but more broadly, underrepresented groups in art history generally. Groups who have been denied a voice – like servants – continue to be lost in a narrative defined by those […]

Uses of Space: Unexpected Encounters

There is usually a very sharp divide between my school life and my home life.  Being an art history major, I go to class and learn about art, or I go to a museum and look at art, but very rarely do I experience art without having to seek it […]

Uses of Space: Photoshopping Process

Right now, Samina and I are each in the midst of individually creating our constructed Tessé period rooms, which include the presence of masters and servants respectively. While the male servant was simply photoshopped out of the painting from which he came, entitled, “The Cellarboy” by the renowned artist Jean-Simeon […]

Uses of Space: Spec Requirements and Role Breakdown

Tessé Room, Wrightsman Galleries – The Space and Its Users   Suggested Spec Requirements: [These were created by aggregating the suggested spec requirements and involvement of each team member, but will be subject to slight changes]   Platform: WordPress [These are the themes that we will be deciding between in […]