
Uses of Space: The Future

During our in class presentation of our work so far, my group presented a prepared powerpoint of our short and long term goals for our website. Some of these goals are understandably more realistic than others in terms of their potential for completion before the final submission date on Monday the […]

Uses of Space: Final Remarks & Looking Forward

Because of this class, I am now interested more than ever about the role of servants in 18th century France, but more broadly, underrepresented groups in art history generally. Groups who have been denied a voice – like servants – continue to be lost in a narrative defined by those […]

Uses of Space: Jeffrey Munger Met Sessions

During our two sessions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art lead by the curator Jeffrey Munger, we focused on porcelain and lacquer boxes and silver goods. Although those two topics were not necessarily as pertinent to my group (Uses of Space) as it might have been to the two groups […]

Uses of Space: Unexpected Encounters

There is usually a very sharp divide between my school life and my home life.  Being an art history major, I go to class and learn about art, or I go to a museum and look at art, but very rarely do I experience art without having to seek it […]