
Uses of Space: Update

I found this antique writing desk while vintage shopping in LA, and it immediately made me think of this class. The innovative interior of this writing desk reminds me of what we have discussed in class regarding the importance of having a personal desk to a woman of 18th c. France. […]

Materials and their Makers Update

During our group meeting this week, we discussed several possibilities for wireframes, and our favorite one so far is attached. We plan to use a black and white color scheme (inspired by Encyclopédie plates) with accents of the “Tessé room green.” Because we will have a color and materials bar […]

Uses of Space: Photoshopping Process

Right now, Samina and I are each in the midst of individually creating our constructed Tessé period rooms, which include the presence of masters and servants respectively. While the male servant was simply photoshopped out of the painting from which he came, entitled, “The Cellarboy” by the renowned artist Jean-Simeon […]

New sites for each group!

A group email has just been sent, but I am posting to the blog to make this exciting news extra official. Three new WordPress sites have been created for the class. Each group has its own site. You can access each group’s site right here from the class blog. Just go to […]