
We would like to formally thank the following individuals and organizations for the help and support they have given us over past few months.

Professor Higonnet, you have truly spearheaded this process and without you art history students here would still be in the digital dark age. Speaking of the digital components, we would also like to offer a heartfelt thank you to Sarah Greene and Alex Gil (and the Digital Humanities Center) for enabling to learn new technical skills and giving us new tools to use in our futures.

Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the assistance that our graduate fellow, Laura Diamond Dixit, provide to us. Her help was truly invaluable and we appreciate all of the time and effort that she put into our project.

Thank you also to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, without whom this classroom-based focus on up-and-coming digital technology in the field of art history would have not been possible.

Lastly, we would like to take the time to acknowledge the Metropolitan Museum of Art for opening your doors to us. Having the opportunity to learn from Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide and Jeffrey Munger was truly a privilege, as was having the experience of seeing and handling many of our objects of study up close.

